Welcome AREGA!

Arega Pharma NV/SA. is our newest member at BAPIE. We wish them a warm welcome to our BAPIE-community. Who is Arega Pharma?Arega is a Belgian full-service healthcare company, specializing in sales and distribution of medicines, medical devices, self-care products and cosmetics. Driven by a passion for innovation and improvement, Arega is committed to making healthcare more accessible and affordable. For us, parallel import is one of the crucial factors in increasing the availability of medicines for Belgian patients.As a “caring rebel”, Arega aims to challenge the status quo and contribute to positive change, always keeping in mind the challenges of…
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A new chapter for BAPIE

A new chapter for BAPIE

The Belgian Association of Parallel Importers and Exporters (BAPIE), representing the parallel trade sector of medicines in Belgium, is delighted to announce that Pieter Boudrez has joined BAPIE to become President of the association from 1 January 2024. He will take over this position from Mr. Tanguy Schmitz who is retiring after more than 20 years of successful work and policymaking on behalf of BAPIE in Brussels.  Reacting to his appointment, Pieter stated: “I am honoured and delighted to represent the BAPIE members. There are lots of opportunities ahead of us in Belgian policy-making to defend and reinforce the parallel trade…
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Presentation of parallel trade by Tanguy Schmitz, president of BAPIE

Presentation of parallel trade by Tanguy Schmitz, president of BAPIE

At the occasion of our symposium to celebrate our 10th Anniversary, Tanguy Schmitz, president of BAPIE (Belgian Association of Parallel Importers and Exporters), did a presentation to explain how parallel trade works in Belgium. "BAPIE was created 10 years ago between two parallel import companies. Among the founders, myself and Gregory Tjoens. BAPIE is located at 26, rue des Deux Eglises in Brussels and shares its offices with Affordable Medicines Europe, the coupole organisation of parallel trade in Europe. BAPIE has developped through the years and gathers today around 10 companies active in parallel import, export or distribution of medications…
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On 3 May 2023, we celebrated our 10th Anniversary

On 3 May 2023, we celebrated our 10th Anniversary

On 3 May 2023, we celebrated our 10th anniversary with a symposium and a cocktail reception.On this occasion, we had the pleasure to welcome renowned panelists:Jan Bertels, Head of Cabinet of Frank Vandenbroucke, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Social Affairs and Public HealthKasper Ernest, Secretary General of Affordable Medicines EuropeTanguy Schmitz, President of BAPIEWe also welcomed Hanne Decoutere, Journalist and newsreader at VRT, as our moderator.The symposium gave us the opportunity for a fruitful debate and to look back at the tasks accomplished and the challenges ahead of us. It was also the occasion of reaffirming our mission: to…
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Memorandum 2022 van BAPIE (Belgian Association of Parallel Importers and Exporters)

Memorandum 2022 van BAPIE (Belgian Association of Parallel Importers and Exporters)

INLEIDINGBAPIE (vzw) is de beroepsvereniging van parallelle invoerders, uitvoerders en distributeurs van geneesmiddelen in België. Deze 'short range' groothandelaars hebben een beperkt assortiment geneesmiddelen in voorraad, die ze heel goed kennen omdat ze voor elk van die geneesmiddelen een vergunning voor het in de handel brengen hebben verkregen - niet te verwarren met groothandelaars-verdelers, die het hele assortiment geneesmiddelen in voorraad hebben in hun winkels zonder vergunning voor het in de handel brengen. BAPIE werd opgericht in 2012 en viert in 2022 haar tiende verjaardag. Tot haar leden behoren de meeste ondernemingen die op dit gebied actief zijn. Hun activiteit…
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Mémorandum 2022 de la BAPIE (Belgian Association of Parallel Importers and Exporters)

Mémorandum 2022 de la BAPIE (Belgian Association of Parallel Importers and Exporters)

INTRODUCTIONLa BAPIE (ASBL) est l’association professionnelle qui regroupe les grossistes importateurs, exportateurs et distributeurs parallèles de médicaments en Belgique. Ces grossistes « short range » ont en stock une gamme limitée de médicaments mais qu’ils connaissent bien puisqu’ils ont obtenu pour chacun d’entre eux une Autorisation de Mise sur le Marché - à ne pas confondre avec les grossistes -répartiteurs, qui stockent toute la gamme des médicaments en leur magasin sans aucune AMM. La BAPIE a été créée en 2012 ; elle célébrera en 2022 ses dix ans d’existence. Ses membres englobent l’essentiel des sociétés actives dans ce domaine. Leur…
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PHARMA BOARDROOM interviewed Tanguy Schmitz, President of Belgian Association of Parallel Importers & Exporters (BAPIE)

PHARMA BOARDROOM interviewed Tanguy Schmitz, President of Belgian Association of Parallel Importers & Exporters (BAPIE)

Tanguy Schmitz, president of the Belgian Association of Parallel Importers & Exporters (BAPIE) outlines some of the recent work that the parallel distribution industry to ensure the supply of medicines across Belgium and Europe during the COVID-19 pandemic, rebuffs some of the negative stereotypes that the industry has garnered, and explains the vital role that BAPIE plays in defending the interests of parallel importers and exporters in Belgium.The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all aspects of the healthcare value chain, with some EU Member States banning parallel exports of certain “essential” drugs. How are BAPIE’s members adjusting to the current extraordinary times?As…
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#FillTheGap : discover how parallel trade reduces medicine shortages

#FillTheGap : discover how parallel trade reduces medicine shortages

When a medicine shortage occurs, patients — our loved ones — are the ones most affected. Parallel distribution can help fill the gap.  How? Say Belgium has a shortage. Parallel distributors fill the gap by taking surplus from other EU countries and delivering it to Belgium. Without this process, patients miss out on the medications they need to live a healthy, happy life.Parallel distribution means delivering medicine to the people who need it!Help #FillTheGap to support an open EU market for medication. Follow us on X and learn more about how we alleviate shortages.
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Belgian Constitutional Court annuls medicines export ban law of 7 April 2019

With the law of 7 April 2019, the Belgian legislator provided for a de facto export ban of medicines with a view to counter medicine shortages in Belgium. On 18 July 2019, the Belgian Constitutional Court already suspended the relevant provisions of the law of 7 April 2019. On 17 October 2019, the Court now also annulled the relevant provisions, stating that the current legal framework (if enforced) already provides for sufficient guarantees to avoid shortages of medicinal products on the Belgian market. Therefore the Court ruled that the provisions of the law of 7 April 2019 providing for a…
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Constitutional Court suspends medicines export ban law of 7 April 2019

With the law of 7 April 2019, the Belgian legislator provided for a de facto export ban of medicines with a view to counter medicine shortages in Belgium. In a first judgement, the Belgian Constitutional Court acknowledged that the law is prima facie in breach with Articles 10 en 11 of the Belgian Constitution, read in conjunction with Articles 34 to 36 of the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union, thereby considering that the current legal framework (if enforced) already provides for sufficient guarantees to avoid shortages. A final judgment on the annulment of the law is foreseen…
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